
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Part 2- The Power of Prayer

It's funny, how in the midst of adversity, people have events they say truly shaped their lives, made them different, caused them to live differently. It sounds so cliche' so- well- Oprah opening, But REALLY, life events do change who you are, who you are to become, and what I have found is that sometimes God whispers and sometimes he shouts. But- at all times he is listening and he cares.
For me, my "life moment" wasn't really a moment, but a series of events leading up to my "moment" My AMEN!
In my previous post, I mentioned how in February of 2008, I was at my worst. It took a lot of effort to wake up- stay up or really to even act interested in daily life activities. Add a husband and 2 kids to the mix and you have got a major problem. BUT- during that time, I also had a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel to Brazil with my friend Fabi. Could I really fly overseas, leave my children, and keep up with Fabi?(She has more energy that most people) How could I not go? so God WHISPERED, "Go"
Brazil is a beautiful, wonderful place. So busy- full of energy- even the beaches in Brazil have this energy. I believe Brazilians life their lives full of passion and faith you do not see everywhere. Their contrast stuck me- so full of energy- but yet laid back, there is no rushing about. On one particular day Fabi, her sister Juliana, and 4 month old Sofia took me on the subway to go to a market. After getting off at the stop, I started to become aware, we did not get off at the right spot. (Fabi and Juliana started speaking Portuguese, quickly to each other- not that I could have understood even the slow version) I am standing there not a concern in the world except I can not understand a word they are saying to each other. The reason I am telling you this is because this is not where we planned to be.
We walked up the steps and right there was Sao Bento, the Catholic Monastery in the middle of a huge city. Juliana decided this would be the perfect place to feed Sofia. I only have one word to describe Sao Bento. Breathtaking- not only to the eyes but the ears It was stunning, the monks were chanting there was- again- that energy-unlike anything I had ever felt.
"God, I hear you- your whisper is with me."
As I began to walk around, I was amazed at the peaceful feeling, I always have that upon entering a church but this was pure peace. There were different niches where there were different statues of saints, all the way around the perimeter of the church. There were a lot. It was then that God chose to shout.I absolutely felt a compelling need to stop as I approach this particular statue. I felt it- this is exactly where I am suppose to be. When I say this aloud, it sounds so dramatic, but it is so real to me, I quite literally sunk to my knees. and I prayed. Now, I wish I could say I had this quite beautiful moment but really it wasn't. Inside I was a screaming, crazy lady and quite selfish as well. I said(hopefully not out loud),"This is about me! ME! ME! ME!! Take this stupid tumor out of my head. I am done. I can't feel this cruddy anymore, you have to believe me that I have SOMETHING wrong, because the doctors don't believe me. Help!! AMEN! I made got up, made a donation in the container, and continued with my day but I always felt this strength that day. It was a very happy day for me. I had calm I had not had in over a year. This is the day God shouted out to me.
Upon returning from Brazil, I could not get this event out of my mind. Sao Bento was a highlight of my trip- and we just happened to end up there. I described the statue to my Mom one day and she said it sounds like that is the Infant Jesus of Prague. So I did what anyone would have done- I googled it- Up came the picture and the picture matched the statue. The Christ Child dressed very regally and under the picture it said: Holy Infant of Good Health. I felt my breath stop- OK God I hear you. I could have stopped at ANY of the statues of Saints, I chose this one. I knew My prayers were being answered. and I really have no words except comfort. I felt it.
Fast forward 2 months and I am back at the Mayo Clinic- I had been praying a Novena Prayer
for the previous 7 days, with 2 more prayers to complete the novena. I wanted the last day of the prayer to be on the last day of appointments.
In the morning, I had my first appointment with my endocrinologist I wish I could say I showed up he hugged me and said Lets remove that darn tumor but he didn't, instead he looked me straight in the eye and said Mary, I think you are just clinically depressed. I lost it- I started saying the craziest things. Oh yeah buddy I AM depressed, I gained 75 pounds this year, i don't like anyone or anything and oh yeah no one believes me so basically- I am not leaving until you help me ( I am so lucky they did not haul me away) This exchange actually included me digging my heals into the carpet and defiantly crossing my arms, I am quite surprised i didn't shout "SO THERE!" But God continued to speak- only this time he whispered to my doctor- Help her. because my doctor said, come back this afternoon, I will get you an appointment with the neurologist, please bring your husband. By the time I returned to the hotel, I was a sobbing mess, Poor Cliff(the van driver- we were now on a first name basis) he just said nothing- he knew, I like to think Cliff also said a prayer for me at that point, I hope so. I saw Kevin and the kids swimming (Yeah Spring Break at the Mayo-so lucky) but i went straight to the room, I was about to have a breakdown and I needed to be alone. I remember sitting on the floor of the bathroom(Gross) and crying so hard I could barely see the paper to say my last prayer of the novena. I was indeed hysterical, but not hopeless, I knew, even then my prayers were being heard. When I returned that afternoon with Kevin, I was calm and praying That a doctor would walk through that door and save me from this nightmare, and honestly, that's exactly what happened. he said, in part, You have a tumor, it is my job to take things like that out. Your not old and ill(relatively speaking) Lets get rid of it. How about 5:45 TOMORROW? We agreed immediately and he left the room. Kevin and I had a panic moment. we are 8 hours from home, Our family is no where near us, the boys are here, this is not something a 6& 3 year old should witness. What now??? We have friends that live in Maple Grove and hour from Rochester, The Baumgartners, who are Gabe's Godparents. But here is the thing- this family travels to more far away places that anyone we know- will they even be home? As I called I prayed- Please be home and they were and they dropped everything to care for our boys and even had a wonderful meal for us the night before surgery- Again- prayers are answered!!!
After my surgery and subsequent recovery I really began to think of everything that had occurred. I will never ever doubt for a minute that God answered my prayers, he listened. He showed me in so many ways that He is always with me weather he is whispering or shouting, I know he is there for me, because I matter to him. He wants me to talk to him and this whole experience has taught me. he will be listening. Always.

1 comment:

  1. Mary,
    it is so true and I do thank God the opportunity I had to be there with you. It was all like that, I still have chills thinking why did we got off in the wrong stop...and don't forget it was my firts time Mom was by my side when I read it and she cryied,got very emotional!
