Thursday, July 22, 2010
We are Going on a Tumor Hunt
OK So here we go
again. STUPID CUSHINGS! I can not believe I am at this place again! But the hunt is on- to see if they can find a STUPID tumor. My ACTH is high so the ASSUMPTION is that the Cushings is coming out of remission. As I toasted my Yummy drink with a friend last night (She had something far tastier that I!) I thought CRAP here we go again. Today was DAY 1 in the tumor hunt. CT Scan of the Adrenal glands. Since cortisol production by the adrenal glands is normally under the control of the pituitary, overproduction can be caused by a tumor in the pituitary or within the adrenal glands themselves. Place #1 to look in the hunt. Now, if drinking this horrid junk was not enough. I got there and they told me I would also have IV Contrast. This was bad for 3 reasons. 1. I HATE IV's - you would think I would be tough after having a previous tumor yanked out through my nose, but no- I still fidget, complain and whine. The poor man was so nervous- he blew out my vein for which I promptly fired him and asked for reinforcements. 2. I have had dye contrast before but always for the brain. Today the dye went in- I thought I peed my pants so I yelled, "I think I just peed!" They ignored me-I guess they were laughing too hard in their glass castle. 3. Whatever they did,it has given me a whopper of a headache! So waiting for results. Monday the hunt continues...MRI of the pituitary. Another IV with contrast- Hopefully I have a ripe vein.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Just Dance
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Anyone who knows me knows I do not like the word stupid. My kids know not to say it and actually inform me of other "offenders" Unfortunately, last week it was ME. Me who dealt with the stupid, acted stupid and yes at times, even said the word out loud (actually VERY loudly) in front of the kids and whoever else was within earshot. I am not proud but let me tell you-last week was STUPID.
Kevin Left Monday morning for Washington DC for business-Stupid out of town business!
Tuesday- morning the nurse from my endocrinologists office called- my blood work in- it is pretty high (71-it was 86 the day of my surgery in 2008) Stupid Cushings Disease. More than likely it is out of remission. Repeat blood work on Monday- Stupid needles. If high again- look for tumor- stupid tumor. Depending on IF or WHERE they find it hiding- Back to the Mayo I go- Stupid Mayo!
Wednesday-miserable, feeling sorry for myself, toilet overflows, stupid toilet! Can't find plunger! Consider other options- too gross to repeat- stupid septic system. Found the plunger- it the garage- stupid place for it.
The Biggest stupid day of all- FRIDAY-
Ben was set to go to a camp starting Monday. Registered in April, sent the paperwork in noted the dreaded peanut allergy- Stupid allergies! Never heard from them- called and called and called-stupid phone system.
Finally spoke to a human. No idea of Ben's allergy. Stupid human on the other end of the phone.
Local director called. Informed me of the "recycling" project. Please bring left over food containers from home.
My response: Are you stupid?(NO I DID NOT SAY IT) I thought you told me there would be nothing hindering Ben's camp experience.
Now you are telling me people will be bringing in food containers, do you mean stupid peanut butter jars, stupid Honey Nut cheerio boxes. Stupid people.
Went to the pool, to forget about the crisis with camp.
Gabe fell- hit his lip- stupid pool. Apparently lips bleed a lot- stupid lip.
Ben broke another bracket on his braces- stupid braces!
Stupid man from stupid camp called. Ben can't attend. Not safe. Stupid allergy.
Left the pool- go to orthodontist- nearly hit by Stupid driver, texting on his stupid phone.. Went home crawled into my stupid bed (Really I love my bed). Mad at the whole Stupid week
There you have it! I no longer need to say the word- it has served its purpose for now!
Stupid word!
Kevin Left Monday morning for Washington DC for business-Stupid out of town business!
Tuesday- morning the nurse from my endocrinologists office called- my blood work in- it is pretty high (71-it was 86 the day of my surgery in 2008) Stupid Cushings Disease. More than likely it is out of remission. Repeat blood work on Monday- Stupid needles. If high again- look for tumor- stupid tumor. Depending on IF or WHERE they find it hiding- Back to the Mayo I go- Stupid Mayo!
Wednesday-miserable, feeling sorry for myself, toilet overflows, stupid toilet! Can't find plunger! Consider other options- too gross to repeat- stupid septic system. Found the plunger- it the garage- stupid place for it.
The Biggest stupid day of all- FRIDAY-
Ben was set to go to a camp starting Monday. Registered in April, sent the paperwork in noted the dreaded peanut allergy- Stupid allergies! Never heard from them- called and called and called-stupid phone system.
Finally spoke to a human. No idea of Ben's allergy. Stupid human on the other end of the phone.
Local director called. Informed me of the "recycling" project. Please bring left over food containers from home.
My response: Are you stupid?(NO I DID NOT SAY IT) I thought you told me there would be nothing hindering Ben's camp experience.
Now you are telling me people will be bringing in food containers, do you mean stupid peanut butter jars, stupid Honey Nut cheerio boxes. Stupid people.
Went to the pool, to forget about the crisis with camp.
Gabe fell- hit his lip- stupid pool. Apparently lips bleed a lot- stupid lip.
Ben broke another bracket on his braces- stupid braces!
Stupid man from stupid camp called. Ben can't attend. Not safe. Stupid allergy.
Left the pool- go to orthodontist- nearly hit by Stupid driver, texting on his stupid phone.. Went home crawled into my stupid bed (Really I love my bed). Mad at the whole Stupid week
There you have it! I no longer need to say the word- it has served its purpose for now!
Stupid word!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I made a formal announcement in our house this morning. It was right after I stepped on that scary K Nex piece. Yielding the piece like a lunatic I raised it above my head and screeched, "The next time I step on a Lego, a K Nex or any Bionnicle they will be thrown into the trash. As the boys stared wide eyed, at their ranting mother the littlest Kahl of all had the nerve to look at me with all of the innocence he could muster and reply, "But that was YOUR creation Mommy!" OK then-conversation OVER
We Are Sooo Cool
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
It is HOT here. It is really HOT. Really, really HOT. Do you see that temperature 120 degrees(in full sun) The other one is actually MY VAN which now has a broken air conditioner. It is HOT. We all are sweating. We all stink. We are all short tempered (Well maybe just me). We all played in the sprinklers and with squirt guns tonight (Oops. I guess that wasn't me) As you can see, the boys are all happy. When someone looks at me with a serious face and says, "I do not mind the heat" I look at them like they are an alien. How could you like this? Ben, Gabe and I stayed in the basement until this evening. It feels like a cave down there. Ben amazed me by painting this canvas. He mixed all of the "custom colors" He worked all afternoon which was good, because did I mention it is HOT here? BUT
I am thankful today. Thankful that we have air, that we can afford to run the air, that my husband braved the heat to let the kids out of the cave, that I am not in Africa (Where our friend is)- it REALLY IS hot 124 degrees today! That my kids had great fun anyway, that tomorrow is suppose to be a little cooler.

Backyard Art Class

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Swimming at the"almost in our yard" Pool

4th Of July 2010

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