
Friday, September 12, 2014

God is good. All of the time.

I am lacing up my running shoes and returning to the race... My Cushings disease race. A race I desperately want to win, but one that keeps placing me on the sidelines. 
This battle with Cushing Disease has been long. It has been hard. But- God is good.
All of the time.
You can read about my struggles (and triumphs ) with this disease here

And here. 
God is the same today as He was yesterday, and every single day I have struggled and will continue to struggle 

God is good. All of the time. Not just sometimes- ALL OF THE TIME. I trust Him.  I know He loves me.
I know He loves me now. 
I know He will love me tomorrow 
And every single day after that. 

This week has been hard. 
My health no longer can be ignored.
This week I have been poked, biopsied, scanned and new questions have surfaced with regards to this disease. 
For the first time since I have been diagnosed, a new word was spoken- cancer-  It's not a part of my race but is hanging out on the sidelines deciding if it wants to join me. 
Cancer is a hard word to hear- even when it is only raised as a possibility. That word can make you scared, and it is easy to let your mind wander to the darkest places when you hear it- but I'm choosing instead to focus on the truths in my Bible. God is good. All of the time. 

It was hard to listen to my doctor tell me that cancer is a possibility. The word no longer becomes a word associated with a friend, a family member, a person in line at Target. It becomes associated with me. 

Life is unpredictable. Things happen. Plans change. Uncertainty exists. God does not change He is unchanging, unwavering and solid. 
My week began with a doctor appointment and ended with a new race.
My numbers are all over the place- my ACTH is as high as it was on the day of my last pituitary surgery. My thyroid ( my new concern) is not functioning, swollen and my lymph nodes around my thyroid are enlarged. None of these things alone are good, add cushings disease and- well- it is REALLY not good.
BUT God IS good. 
All of the time 
On September 23, Kevin and I will travel to a new doctor in Chicago- an expert in the field of Cushings. The first thing that we hope will happen is to rule out cancer. 
After that hurdle, we will move forward with my treatment plan for Cushings- which unfortunately has come to the intervention I have been avoiding- the last resort- the removal of both adrenal glands- 
Whether I face a battle with my adrenal glands or thyroid cancer I know 
God is good.
All of the time.
God is a loving God
He is faithful 
He listens.
No request big or small goes unnoticed. 
Which is why I ask that you lift my family up in prayer today as we face this new challenge. I rest in His promises. I know He hears every request, plea and petition. Yours are important to me. 
God hears all of them. 
He is good to me.
It times of uncertainty-
In times of doubt-
In times of fear-
All of the time.