
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Digging Out and a Governor named Daniels

WELL- To say this week has been normal would be a lie. Between Kevin's travels, hosting the Governor, and starting the HUGE backyard project I need sleep. Kevin walked in from his buisness trip, the Governor walked in one hour later. The Governor walked out the next morning and the excavator rolled in an hour later. Now our new septic system is in and the yard is ready to put the pool in next week. The laundry is caught up and everyone and everything is clean again. Now as I take a moment, I need to write down what this week has meant.
It has meant fun, excitement, lack of sleep, dirty house, spotless house, ups and downs. Since the Governor left and we started telling people of our adventure we were quite shocked with the questions people have asked. Did you see him in his pajamas? What did he eat? Did he talk to you? Was he good with the kids?
As I was thinking about writing the Governor a letter to tell him what this experience meant to my family, I decided I would do it here on my blog, so I could share what really happened with everyone. Do you think he will read my blog? Who knows, but my guess, after meeting him is Yes. If he knows about it he will.
Sooooooo Here it goes
Dear Governor Daniels,
People keep asking about your visit. We have become the subject of many conversations. Some questions and comments leave us speechless, while others seem valid and still others make us laugh out loud. I was wondering, would you mind if I told them THIS:
He walked in, ignored us, told us our house was ugly, and our kids were brats. He said he really didn't want to stay here but the Super 8 was full. He did tell us it would have been better given the squalor we live in. He said he thought our house had looked normal from the outside but boy was he wrong. He looked in our pantry and told us it was obvious we do not follow the healthy initiatives and could we get him some fruit. He said Bruiser was a creep and we should put him outside. He went to bed, slamming the door while saying he hoped he would survive the night in our pigsty and to make sure we brought him breakfast in bed. In the morning, he walked down the stairs, said thanks for nothing, your family is weird and slammed the front door.
Or- Would you rather I just stuck with the TRUTH?
He was nice.
He was completely normal.
He made my kids laugh.
Yes, he made his bed- better than I do actually.
He was genuine.
He was funny.
He told great stories.
He came in alone- we were the ones with reinforcements.
I truly think, given the opportunity, he would have just rode over on a Harley. I also think that if it were not for that little meeting the next morning, he would have went to garage sales with me.
Governor, people are asking me all of the time what you gave us. It caught me off guard at first because is such a strange question to ask. I am not sure if they wanted to hear you GAVE us advice, you GAVE us a pony or you GAVE us strep throat. As I thought about this I realized, you did give us A LOT.
You gave Gabe PRIDE: Thanks for sharing Gabe's picture at your breakfast that morning. A reporter told Gabe what you had done and Gabe was smiling so hard his face hurt. That kind gesture has made Gabe feel very important.
You gave Ben MOTIVATION: By signing Ben's homework that morning and telling him how important it is to study, you made him realize the importance of homework in future goals. Now, when Ben says, "Why do I have to do my homework?" We can say, "Because the Governor told you to."
You gave Kevin his MOMENT: A moment to show off his Harley mini bike and Big Green, his high school car. These are 2 things he gets nagged about on a daily basis and which I threaten to sell every day. Now he can say that the Governor sat in Big Green and he liked the mini bike so we can't sell them.
You gave me- a heart attack- no really you gave me OPPORTUNITIES: The opportunity to do what I love, to write about our families adventures, to put into words what we experience in life on a daily basis no matter how big or small(This one happened to be big!). You gave me the opportunity in the days following your visit to discuss hard topics, be firm in my values, and stay true to my beliefs.
So Governor Daniels: Thank you for giving my family the opportunity to spend time with you. Keep doing what you are doing- it meant the world to us!
P.S. Sorry to hear about your head. Ben said to tell you, the worst part was when the doctor has to sit on you to put the stitches in, so hopefully the worst part is over.
Take Care and Thank You!
Mary Kahl

1 comment:

  1. Mary...I could imagine very clearly how the hours you all spent with him very very enjoyable! I am sure he also had a blast!
