The third grade classes at Ben's school have a
Friend of the Week celebration each week. This week it was Ben's turn. We attended a celebration on Friday and for a half hour, they focused on only Ben. His classmates gave him compliments and told him how he was unique and special. At 8 and 9 years you would expect things like, "you are nice" or "I like you because you are funny." NOT THESE WONDERFUL third graders. They said things like, "Ben, I like you because you build the best creations with K NEX." or Ben I think your drawings are great and you are an amazing artist." I wish I could have written every single word these kids were saying-it was truly the most uplifting time. As a parent of a child receiving these compliments, you are sitting in a chair smiling so hard your cheeks hurt but at the same time trying so hard to not let the tears of happiness flow. Everything that was wrong that morning disappears and seems trivial while you sit there. Your child is pumped so full of love, strength and encouragement as a family you pretty much float out of the room. This is something every class in every school should do.
Confidence and strength definitely do build character!!!!!
We LOVED Friend of the Week when Isaac was in DeLaurelle's Class. I remember Chris trying not to tear up in front of the kids. You're right - it's something that should be done in every classroom in America. In fact, I loved the concept so much we do it here at the office every so often. We pick out an employee and talk about why we like them. It's funny watching grown adults trying to take a compliment because they're just so unused to it. Kinda sad...