
Friday, September 25, 2015

Thank you God for U Turns

Today while I was out running errands, I saw an elderly woman speaking with the cashier while I was shopping. She was lost and had stopped at the store for directions.

She was looking for a nursing home where her friend was and only had small pieces of information: Cleveland Road, Heratige Square,on a corner  but she had no name, no number and no address for the business    In the process of explaining this to the blank stare of the cashier, I watched as tears started to form in her eyes. She was on the verge of giving up. She was going to announce defeat.
Oh boy- haven't we all been there before? 
I approached her and acknowledged I had been listening to her problem. I offered to have her follow me to the unknown place that I was pretty sure I knew the location of. I told her that although I'm not certain of where she needs to be I will drive there while she follows me and in her car. In her complete desperation she agreed. She trusted in me, someone she had never met, to guide her to a place she needed to be. She was willing to follow me, having faith I would get her to her destination. She was desperate, alone and needed someone to guide her. 

As I traveled down State Road 23 at a slow crawl, making sure her minivan was always in my site, I learned some of my own lessons on being lost and following directions. About trusting and faith. About showing faith and not just quoting verses.  Words only work sometimes when giving directions. People sometimes need someone to lead them as they follow behind-closely watching the person in front of them. 

It was during this very slow crawl down State Road 23 with this thought that I had a moment of shame and then conviction and then sadness.
I have not been a very good guide when it comes to matters of my faith. 

I have been given very good written directions (my Bible) but lately, I've been driving my car recklessly while others have been following behind. 
I have been doing a lot of quoting from the Bible and discussing the Bible and sharing music that has a biblical message. I love nothing more than discussing and talking about my faith. But, a lot of times, more times than I would like to admit, I forgot that it's important to SHOW people my faith IN MY ACTIONS. 
Directions are not only about getting us from point A to point B but good directions are providing a trustworthy , safe and reliable route. I have not been doing this. 
The road I often show on social media is one filled with frustrating bumps, and annoyances. Complaining. Grumbling. Fear. Dismay. While outwardly, I continue on my road my inward path is cluttered with junk.
As a Christian that is neither a safe nor a reliable route to take- it's called being "double-minded" By being a careless driver of my faith I have the potential to steer others off course and to ultimately become lost myself. 
I hear the Word of God.
I believe the Word of God. 
I say Amen
I even quote the Word of God. 
But later, I begin to survey my problems. 
I begin to speculate how to deal with them. 
I become bitter and I have forgotten Truth. It happens quickly and a lot. 
James 1:8- he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. 
Matthew Henry's commentary on James 1:8 says:
 "A mind that has single and prevailing regard to its spiritual and eternal interest, and that keeps steady in its purposes for God, will grow wise by afflictions, will continue fervent in devotion, and rise above trials and oppositions. When our faith and spirits rise and fall with second causes, there will be unsteadiness in our words and actions. This may not always expose men to contempt in the world, but such ways cannot please God. No condition of life is such as to hinder rejoicing in God."

When we are lost we are uncomfortable.  We let panic set in and we react. That reaction might  be a tear in the corner of an eye but it could also be a harsh word,  a hidden message, a slight jab here or there, or an exclusion. 
When we are lost we need the courage AND THE FAITH to seek someone who can show us the way with reliable directions. While we travel on our difficult roads we also need to be able to look in the rear view mirror at our own reflection and make sure  that we are on the correct road and people following US won't become lost and to be certain who you are following is leading you in the best direction. If you are not on the correct road, you need to stop. Do a u turn and remember who you should be following first. JESUS. Whose direction you should be seeking. 
He has the only reliable map (the Bible) 
By following His direction first and always your destination will be the most glorious place. Heaven. 

So  friends , today as an elderly stranger followed behind me, I learned that what I need to do is a U-turn I need to back up. I need to throw myself in reverse. I need to get off the road of opposition and greif and the need for worldly approval and get back on a road where I can faithfully follow Jesus. 
So much is happening in my life right now both good and bad. I'm seeing in my words on Facebook and my conversations with others that I'm not SHOWING my faith in action. 
My road has become littered with arguing, complaining and strife. So as I make this change of direction I want you all to know, I still want to connect with you just not on social media. It's not a good place for me because my brain races ahead before my heart can stop it. I have lost my direction I need to stop so I can get back on the road that Jesus is leading me on. I'm not ditching facebook but I'm just not going to like and comment while on- I still do like everything about you all.  I hope you all know that. I am just better off telling you in person so you know and can see my intentions. 

But right now I need to focus less on other people's driving and more on my own. 

God sure knew what he was doing today. When he sent the elderly stranger with a simple predicament and used her so profoundly to change a complicated, messy road such as mine. 
Time to reverse and have Jesus show me the road I was meant to travel on. 
I am so happy God allows U-Turns! 

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