
Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The couch has left the Kahl house!!!!
This couch has a long story to go with it and since I am determined to remember things like this, I had to include it in our blog. I discovered these gems at my neighbors. They called to see if Kevin could help move these out because their new furniture was arriving. Kevin was not around so I offered to help (neighbor was pregnant at the time) When she told me they were putting these bad boys on Craig's list for 150 I said sold because we need furniture for our basement.Went home, found Kevin was home, Told Kevin, wrote the check, got them to the house AND then I discovered they would not fit down the basement stairs.
Lesson # 1 ALWAYS measure 1st!
This is when my furniture nightmare started. My usually calm husband was not happy, I mean mad as a hornet. It did not help when I asked if HIS tape measure was broken...
Kevin made the decision to move our leather furniture into the basement and put this in our living room. WAIT BACK UP- NOT MY PLAN.
Kevin said "It is now!"
Kevin and our neighbor were trying to cram our leather couch into the basement and as I mentioned before Kevin was as mad as I have ever seen him. Poor Brett probably wanted to crawl in a hole.
As the were pushing and shoving the back of the leather couch ripped. I have to say I contemplated running away from home at that moment...
I was very sad at the poor choice I had made. The couch itself was a very nice couch and so so comfortable but it looked horrendous in my room it didn't match, was too formal and I panicked! I even said OUT LOUD to Kevin I WAS WRONG, WRONG I SAY!!!!! He might have plugged his ears and responded with " I am not listening" He did make me live with my choice
After some room arraigning and pillow and blanket help my friend made it livable in my room.
Lesson #2 There is always hope.
Fast forward over a year later and I just sent it out the front door, glad I was able to give it to a friend in need.
New furniture delivered tomorrow! Yippee!!!!!!
Kevin figured he had made me suffer long enough and the guy at Ashley was a really good salesman! When someone hands your children Popsicles and tells them to go find their couch you pretty much have to assume- SOLD!
Final Lesson: Never buy furniture without having a plan- unless of course there are Popsicles involved!

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