
Monday, May 28, 2012

Thrifty Goodness

If you were to pull out a dictionary, look up the word thrifty, you might me surprised (or not) to find my name listed,  I love garage sales, goodwill, thrift stores.  Part of it it the "thrill of the hunt" but I really do use the things I find.  Now I am not saying I do not resell them after I am finished and actually make a profit, but I use them or wear them and then I get rid of the item. It is a very good thing I am not attached to items and purge as much as I buy or we would have issues. I have no problem selling it off. Ask the kids, when I say I am having a garage sale, they start hiding treasured items. As I walked around my house today realized I have decorated my house mostly on things I have found at the goodwill or garage sales~
Almost every single thing in my closet and I am not talking cheap clothes( there clothes in my closet from CABI, Athleta, Miss Me, and a lot of other great brands).  I actually wear my clothes and when I am done resell them for a PROFIT! It makes me laugh because most people buy their clothes for name brands. I buy the brands not because I care, but for higher resale profits.
I have assembled a gallery wall in my house with frames from the goodwill, I have refinished old furniture, have made old coffee tables into ottomans. Recently, I found 2 i Pod touches for 125 dollars for both . I was singing Christmas songs as I skipped down their driveway (shhhhh top secret Christmas Presents)
I have made an entire bar area with Pottery Barn stuff which is actually quite funny because Kevin and I rarely drink!
BUT even I have limits.  I do not buy fabric furniture or mattresses, There are too many bugs that could hide. So generally, my rule is if it can't be washed or cleaned, I pass. I will buy it from friends who I know are bug free. See that nice animal print chair-that is from a friend.  I also would never buy undergarments. NOPE can't do it!!!
I do not consider myself cheap but rather smart. Plus I really am helping the environment.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

If you build it They Will Come...

When we put in our pool we did it for a lot of reasons. Today confirmed we made the right decision.What started as a small gathering morphed into full scale party As the day went by more and more people were added to our party. At 7PM there were 15 boys and ONE girl swimming. (We really do have a lot of boys in the neighborhood!) Everyone had a great time. we enjoyed the record breaking temperature of 97 in our cool pool surrounded by cool friends

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello Again!!!

Life is moving here at the Kahl house.  Unfortunately, I am not moving as fast as life.  I am tired, so tired.
BUT last night I realized that I am nearing the time when I press the magic button of this blog called blog to print- It will print the whole last year of this blog into a hardback book.  THIS is the reason I keep up this little blog-so that my kids will have a journal of their lives.  The good and the bad, the fun and yes even the boring daily life. I was doing really well UNTIL I decided to get back on facebook AND I got an i phone-both things combined make it very easy to chronicle life, in a 30 second sort of way.  So I realized something today- I do not need facebook- it has no value to me, in the long run I can post and post but my kids will gain nothing. Although I am not going to the dramatic "I am leaving facebook" I will no longer be posting, and only occasionally checking in on friends.  I have kept facebook very small and almost everyone that I am friends with on facebook, I can and do talk to in person or on the phone frequently. I need to focus on this little blog with its 7 followers (you can follow if you want) for my family.
Tomorrow I will play catch up on our life and hopefully I will not let this part of my life get away again!!!
See you tomorrow