2 BOYS- "Nothing."
THE MOM (15 minutes later) "What are you doing up there and why is it so quiet?"
2 BOYS- "We are just playing."
THE MOM- "Playing what?"
2 BOYS-" Nothing."
20 minutes later the 2 boys shout out, "Mom, come and see the cool fort we built. We used the extra mattress, every single pillow we could find and ALL of the blankets from the closet in the hallway, it is sooooo cool."
THE MOM- "Say what?" (while running up the stairs)
2 BOYS- "Surprise! Isn't it cool?" We built it together. Can we play in here now?"
Lessons learned from this
I wanted to be angry that they used so much to build their fort. Stuff that I was going to have to re-fold, put away and organize again. But I had to laugh and be very thankful that I have 2 boys that will play together so well, designing, organizing and building their creation.
They played in their fort for 2 hours. They read with flashlights, Ben showed Gabe how to make shadow puppets and they colored.
I was feeling so blessed that my boys truly like each others company and like to play together. It is not forced, it just is- and for that I am happy today.