I would like to reminisce a bit of how my Saturdays were
PRE-CHILDREN. Wake up at noon, drink coffee, lay by the pool or lake, shower, have a nice dinner with Kevin, meet friends, have adult conversations, the summer for me
PRE- CHILDREN meant no responsibilities. Today, I realized that those days are soooo long gone. Today I woke up to
THIS. My basement. Gabe wanted me to retrieve something for him, so I walked down to the basement, I have not been down there for a
really long time, and the boys plus various other children have come and gone and
THIS was what I walked into (No wonder Gabe was afraid- he should have been very afraid- it was scary!!!) After the initial scream, and the "I can not believe this pigsty" reaction, the family spent 2 hours cleaning the basement. Our next project was to get a $6.00 part for our kitchen faucet ( I seemed to have yanked the entire bottom half off while conducting a water test. Good news the water is A-OK. Bad news we had to buy a whole new faucet. Kevin's comment while walking out of Lowes was "That sure was a expensive water test!" Then- the weather turned NASTY- I remembered how much I love my weather radio! I also realized I am that crazy lady who stands outside taking pictures of the clouds!
But- there were sprinkles of goodness today. Both of my children have friends here for a sleep over and a "almost sleep over" I am looking out the office window to a full rainbow, and we sold our old appliances. I hope everyone had a great day!
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