Dear Family and Friends,
The power of prayer is evident as I sit here and write this letter to all of you. I have just returned for the Mayo Clinic where I had my follow up with my endocrinologist and neurologist and it is official, the tumor is gone They saw no signs of residual tumor and from all physical and medical tests, it appears I am cured of my Cushings disease! Although the re occurrence rate is 10-20% I am confident, I have beat this ugly disease.
This has been such a long and difficult process for both me and my family, we simply could not have done it without your continued support and prayers. We have had so many people praying for us we could feel God's love surrounding us everyday.
Let me do a recap of our journey with Cushings. In 2007 it was discovered I had an 8mm tumor on my pituitary gland. This, along with a mild elevation of my ACTH sent me to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN. After receiving news of the tumor and setting up that appointment, I, of course, googled my symptoms into the computer. What kept appearing was Cushings disease. Cushings disease is a rarely diagnosed endocrine disorder, characterized by hypercortisolism. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and it is vital to regulate the bodies cardiovascular functions and metabolism and to boost the immune system. But its most important job is to help the body respond to stress. People with Cushings Disease live life with too much cortisol for their bodies as a result of a hormone secreting tumor. Mine was located in the pituitary gland. Endogenous hypercortisolism leaves the body in a constant state of fight or flight which ravages the body and tears down the body's major systems including muscoluskeletal, endocrine, etc.
During my initial visit to the Mayo, they decided to take a wait and see approach- to see if new symptoms appear or if the tumor grows That was July of 2007.
By February of 2008, I was miserable. Imagine that in the space of a year, you become unrecognizable to this around you and even to yourself. I was dealing with Crushing fatigue, MAJOR weight gain and muscle weakness just to name a few. I just no longer felt myself with regards to energy.
I returned to the Mayo Clinic in April of 2008. They decided I would undergo transsphenoidal surgery to remove the tumor. At this point my endocrinologist said he would be very shocked if I had Cushings Disease. They removed the tumor on April 9th and after ONE night in the neuro intensive care unit, they let me go back to my hotel.
The recovery has been long and hard. I developed diabetes insipidus post-op which resolved on its own but the most difficult part of the recovery has been my bodies "withdrawal" from hydrocotisone. Cushings Disease causes a tearing down of muscles and bones. When there was an over-abundance of cortisol in my body(as a result of the tumor) I could not feel the effects of the muscle wasting and bone deterioration, because of the anti-inflammatory action of cortisol. Upon "weaning," these become
painfully evident. The physical pain while weaning from cortisol has been described as worse than weaning from heroin. When cortisol leaves the body, you experience symptoms akin to a really bad flu including sever fatigue, headaches, and vomiting. Some people need supplemental cortisol. My doctors had me go "cold turkey" which now that it is done, I am thankful for.
I just returned from the Mayo clinic Tuesday. The diagnoses, Cushings Disease that has resolved due to the removal of the tumor. My endocrinologist, who said he didn't think I had Cushings said my case disturbed him greatly. Although I showed most physical characteristics of a cushings patient, my blood work was not showing the typical markers. He said he was shocked when my tumor stained positive for ACTH(the hallmark sign of Cushings Disease). My neurologist, who I credit for giving me my life back, said, "Mary, you have humbled the chairman for the division of endocrinology at the Mayo clinic, which is not something that is easily done."
Your prayers have been felt by my family and myself.
It continues to be a journey full of obstacles. I feel like that letter only showed a little bit into my ordeal. Part 2- Tomorrow- The Power of Prayer
ReplyDeleteall I want to tell you today and always is that I do learn with you and from you every single day. I learn to be passionate about many things, to be thankful for all I have, to help others (oh...that's a good one) and to care for those who are most important to me. be sure that we are always praying for you and that the Lord Jesus bless your family...we love you. wonderfully writen, please write all of it!!