OK- Hold on while I brag. My Christmas cards are done, they are in the mail- oh yeah they are done. So here is why they are done the week after Thanksgiving. On Monday I woke up with no voice, I could barely squeak out my morning commands to the kids. No voice means no talking on the phone- I ignored it all day long, I had to. So I decided to turn off the computer for the day. Amazing- When you "unplug" yourself what you can accomplish. If your at home and your house is a mess and laundry not done chances are you are too "plugged in" I can attest to this as I am now living proof. This is what I did on Monday- brace yourself-the list is extensive
Every stitch of laundry- Done- including sheets.
Every stray item back in its place.
3 bathrooms cleaned
Christmas cards, designed online, sent to print, picked up, addresses on 100 envelopes, made return labels, wrote brief letter, printed, stuffed and licked all envelopes.
Whole house dusted, vacuumed,
Christmas gifts wrapped,
Wrong sized clothing removed from closets(My closet was quite a project because of my ever changing size)
And the list goes on and on and on
Try it- completely unplug yourself for one whole day- I dare you!