After Kevin's return, life started moving again. Our pit did not seem as large or deep and we could see peeks of sunshine through the darkness. We attended Christmas concerts, |
decorated cookies, |
attended Ben's play, |
attended football games, |
I was able to start doing the things like a trip to the local news station with Gabe. |
and the art museum with Ben. |
We were able to go as a family to watch Gabe's basketball games. |
Kevin and the boys were able to go on their winter camp out with the confidence that I would be OK. |
And watch the Harlem Globetrotters (before I choked on a hot dog) |
Attend science night at school, |
And see that Ben had won a ribbon! |
Our family enjoyed the Pinewood Derby |
The Blue/ Gold Banquet, |
And watch this sweet boy turn 8! |
We are looking forward to summer days |
Sitting here |
Thanking God for his healing power and the strength for new beginnings and for family. |
Our bible study just concluded for the summer. On our last day we had the opportunity to share how the bible study had spoke to our hearts. My lengthy reply was: |
We have become a society of connections, not to people but to technology. From the invention of the telephone we have become a world that relies on our connections to each other. We have come to rely so much on our gadgets that simply forgetting them at home causes us to panic. When we are asked to silence them or put them away we obsessively check for missed calls and missed opportunities. What if we treated our relationship with God just like we treat our phones? Never without Him, checking in with Him first thing in the morning, all throughout our day and as the last thing we do in the evening?What if we panicked when we find we are at only 19% power with God and when our light gets dim we run to the nearest plug in to refuel?
What if we listened to God like we listen to our phones. Every beep, ding, vibration getting our full attention?
I feel like my story is a series of both un answered and answered call from God. sometimes ringing loudly, other times a soft hum in the background. This bible study has been like the call that jars you from a restful sleep at night. Throughout the last several month's, each call was played back on my life, every recording, beep hum amid buzz and what I have learned but it has taken me a very long time to figure out is that if God is calling you, you should really pick up the phone. More importantly, however, is that you should take the time to call Him as well. Psalm 20:1 says May the Lord answer you when you are in distress, may the name of God of Jacob protect you. so instead of reaching for your cell phone to call a friend about your problems call God instead.
My story is all about those calls from God at every point in my life. The calls He wants me to talk to others about to bring others closer to Him. I feel like he brought all of you, and even this particular study of David to be the beginning of that journey. Because of the love and support of a group of women who seek God and continually work towards being "women after God's own heart" I feel like I have become more bold in my quest. Each story we told, every word of encouragement that was provided brought us all closer to each other and closer to God..
What have I learned from this study?
I am loved. I am supported. I am not alone. I will tell my story so that others can seek to be people after God's own heart as well.. If just one person turns to Him as a result of me, I will have done something amazing. If I can open someone's heart to Him, mine will grow as well.
I am looking forward to summer, to new beginnings and the confidence that God is only a call away. I just need to pick up the phone!