Thursday, February 24, 2011
Things are winding down as far as winter sports go. Ben has one game left in his football season and one more wrestling tournament which is this weekend ( Along with Pinewood Derby and Enrichment class.) Could this mean spring is near? Well, the forecast says NO! There will be more snow tonight!!!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Kahl Quotes
Ben- while looking at pictures of Golden doodle puppies he notices a puppy who has black hair instead of "gold". He declares, "That can not be a Golden doodle, it must be called a Blacker doodle."
Ben- while his mother was holding a bar of soap threatening to wash him herself if he did not hurry up in the shower, "Seriously Mom that is on the border of something you should not even say to a 3rd grade boy who is 9."
Gabe- while describing a sick child at school. "That was my first time I ever saw live puke. First on the floor then in the can, mixed with all kids of spit, my stomach hurt just watchin'"
Ben- while his mother was holding a bar of soap threatening to wash him herself if he did not hurry up in the shower, "Seriously Mom that is on the border of something you should not even say to a 3rd grade boy who is 9."
Gabe- while describing a sick child at school. "That was my first time I ever saw live puke. First on the floor then in the can, mixed with all kids of spit, my stomach hurt just watchin'"
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Feeling Great
The third grade classes at Ben's school have a Friend of the Week celebration each week. This week it was Ben's turn. We attended a celebration on Friday and for a half hour, they focused on only Ben. His classmates gave him compliments and told him how he was unique and special. At 8 and 9 years you would expect things like, "you are nice" or "I like you because you are funny." NOT THESE WONDERFUL third graders. They said things like, "Ben, I like you because you build the best creations with K NEX." or Ben I think your drawings are great and you are an amazing artist." I wish I could have written every single word these kids were saying-it was truly the most uplifting time. As a parent of a child receiving these compliments, you are sitting in a chair smiling so hard your cheeks hurt but at the same time trying so hard to not let the tears of happiness flow. Everything that was wrong that morning disappears and seems trivial while you sit there. Your child is pumped so full of love, strength and encouragement as a family you pretty much float out of the room. This is something every class in every school should do. Confidence and strength definitely do build character!!!!!
Liar Liar Pants On Fire!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
This dog is going to:
A. Make me start drinking alcohol.
B. Make me wear nothing but underwear in the house to insure my good jeans do not get holes.
C. Make me have laryngitis
D. Be trained by a dog whisperer.
E. make me do crazy things no person should do like running across the snow in bare feet while screaming things no "lady" should be saying.
F. Make me love him...SOMEDAY- Maybe when I get the pool!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentines Day Part 2
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentines Day Part 1
It is after 10PM- I just finished decorating the table for breakfast and I have to ask myself, why do I over-do every holiday? I love . decorating, surprising, and making traditions with the kids. Tomorrow, they will wake up to heart shaped banana muffins (which look a little sad), and a surprise in their mailbox. After school they will get off the bus and go on a big scavenger hunt for special treasures. Ben was trying to give me "suggestions" about the hunt as we sat together tonight. I LOVE my family. Sometimes (a lot lately) I complain- but really, I LOVE my life.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Night at The Museum
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Last night Gabe declared the day, "the best day EVER" Kevin and Ben were at the winter camp out so Gabe and I had a special day of our own. We met our friends at Build-A-Bear (something which Gabe has NEVER done!), followed by Michaels Craft Store (OK that was more for me but he did get something to paint later), Subway for lunch, painting, a movie of HIS choosing- including popcorn AND he got to sleep in Mom and Dad's room. We had a lot of fun!!!!!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Random Quotes From Ben
"If I have your right brain and Dad's left brain, who gave me my middle brain?
"I like being a dog owner, we are important people."
We have a room in our house that we call the Chill Room, it is a TV room that we spend 95% of our time in. Over Christmas break, we swapped Ben's room(large) with the Chill room(small) so we could have more room to CHILL. Ben said,
The new chill room will have to be named the CHEN room (chill+Ben) and my new room will have to be called the Bill room (Ben+Chill) Do you think people will be confused?"
"Mom- do your Mom thing with Bruiser today.You know rock, feed, walk,don't yell you know, the usual."
"Mom, since my teachers give me homework, I think you should ask them to come here and maybe do some dishes or some laundry."
On his way out the door for his winter camp out- "If you miss me too much, go smell my pillow, it will have my scent on it."
Friday, February 4, 2011
The kids finally went back to school today after 2 days off and one 2 hour delay. NORMALLY I love snow days, BUT Kevin was in Detroit-STUCK- and a host of other previous events (That is a whole different post, I need to save until I have much more time to type) made these snow days very difficult. By Wednesday afternoon I said Yes to everything. Wii-YES, DSi-YES, cookies-YES, eating lunch with the largest spoon you can find- YES (By the way, Gabe won that challenge!) stay in your pajamas, the same ones for 2 days-YES! Make hundreds of paper snowflakes and leave the mess-YES- I was kind of hoping Bruiser would discover he loves paper but NO he still loves UNDERWEAR and prefers to chew on those, especially Gabes- Hmmmm! Kevin returned after the worst of the storm, but still had a white knuckle trip from Detroit. I will be glad to not see that type of storm for a long time or ever again!