Monday, May 31, 2010

Mississippi River

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hot (Almost Summer) Fun
Our neighbor invited the boys to play on their water slide today. They had a great time. It is very hot here today!!!
This week is the last week of school for both Ben and Gabe. It is suppose to be HOT the whole week-close to 90 every day. Last night, it stayed light out until almost 9:30PM. How are we ever going to convince these boys that summer vacation is still 1 week away?

Friday, May 21, 2010
Chores, Allowance, Blah, Blah, Blah

Garage Sale Mania

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
This was the theme song in the Kahl house this past week. If you would have had the pleasure of entering you would have found two sick children with high temperatures, vomit, ice cream buckets strategically placed, Popsicle wrappers, doctors receipts, Tylenol, Motrin, laundry all over including various amounts of linens, DVDS strewn among various toys and books. A crazy mommy who was trapped in this ridiculous mess.
What you would NOT have seen would have been KEVIN (IN Chicago on business), any other human being, clean dishes, clean people, happiness!
We hope this week will return to normal for us.
Thursday, May 6, 2010

You will never believe what this child asked for tonight! A chameleon- not a lizard- not a gecko- he did not just use the word reptile but he actually was very specific and used the word Chameleon! I said NO WAY so fast I think I surprised him. I said WHY a chameleon?- which by the way you will NEVER have! He responded "Since you won't let me have a dog, cat, guinea pig, and I don't want a boring fish this is good." And so I thought (not about getting one) but about WHY we will never have one and then- I remembered.... The incident...
My older sister CAL (I used initials so my other sister does not think she damaged me in this way) well- CAL was a pet collector of sorts- They were always "rescued" of course and brought to our home, usually while my dad was gone on business and my Mom was too busy dealing with the day to day life with 5 children.. I can think of so many pets, they were not ALL acquired by CAL but she was always the most convincing in her speech to keep the animals. Tiger, Taffy, Tippy Joe Jellybean , Big Gray Cat, Little Gray Cat, Jack the Greyhound, Little Black Cat, Twinkle, and on and on...Tiger was the most heroic of her rescues as she saved him from "a pack of fighting dogs"
Well- She got a chameleon once. I am not sure where but it appeared in our shared room one day which meant I also got a chameleon! It was YUK! I can not say it any better-YUK! It's buggy eyes that would stare at me and the little yucky tail. But- my sister liked her newest treasure and would will me to touch it which would send me screaming.
So here is the part I will need therapy for.. The reason we will never own one of these creatures. One morning I woke up with that THING on my face and my sister explained that she wanted to see if it turned the color of my face. I have not been the same since! So when the handstand incident happened- lets just say I was not sad!!!
So Ben the answer to your question is NO WAY! NEVER! NEVER! If you choose to acquire on after you are married- go ahead! Now-never!
***** I must not close this post without acknowledging that my sister is a dear, sweet women who I am sure in no way wanted to harm her poor,innocent, vulnerable younger sister (I will not start the ear piercing story at this time) She has grown up to be a responsible mother of 8 children who to date has owned several pets.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Gabe's day started by getting 4 shots, 2 in each leg(for kindergarten). It was not pleasant, but his reward was pizza at Target as well as being able to spend some birthday money. So after picking out a "big boy" watch and a Bakugan. We sat down for lunch. We were discussing how he still had 20 dollars left but we will save it for later you never know when something will come along you have been wanting. We had just finished our GIGANTIC chocolate chip cookie (I told him it was because he was so brave, but really I just wanted it.) and got up to leave when we noticed our subject. Man. Mid 50's- Spreading butter on saltines- no drink (We are pros at spotting) I casually mentioned to Gabe that we need to sneak around and buy him a pizza. The man at the counter was not comfortable with our plan(we have learned some are not) so we have to ditch the "secret" part of our plan and just be bold. So we just asked the man. Can we buy you lunch? He was extremely grateful and said just a pizza will be fine. Oh how this humbles my heart! Gabe had other plans for him-
This boy- my 5 year old child, said he wanted to use his money now to buy the man a "feast" This is the part that makes me giddy. GABE went through the line picking out items- pizza, bread sticks, drink and THEN took his five extra dollars and gave it to this man as he explained (my mom lets me keep the coins you can have this). This man was so grateful and I was sooo proud which is why I have to tell the world. We have kept this a secret because we do not do it so people will tell us how great we are- Hey- we already know this. Some of the fun IS the SECRET. We do not do it to please ourselves even though the feeling is pure joy. The reason I am choosing to tell you all now because I want everyone to try this- It is simple- You spend what you have. It can be someones lunch, a coffee, it does not have to be big!!! It is a reminder of how we act (both good AND bad) will be reflected in our kids. Buying someone a coffee or lunch secretly, sure doesn't make us great but it does show our children(who we think are not looking)- that God is living within us and reaching out to others is a part of God's plan for us so others will know that although their circumstances may not be the best at this moment there are good people who use God as their example- that person may be only 5- but he knows- and now they do too! So Gabe and I challenge you all- do it- you will never regret it!

Monday, May 3, 2010
Gabe Likes To....

Gabe loves to have his picture taken while jumping. He is a very good jumper and is even learning that if he throws his hands in the air it looks like a bigger jump!!!
Gabe won the Kahl quote of the day today. I was putting him to sleep tonight and I was singing the song "Oh the Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord..." And I was repeating it (so he would catch on) BUT I was starting to fall asleep and I was babbling rather than singing. The next thing I know, Gabe is poking me saying, "Oh no Mommy, mommy, MOMMY, you are stuck on rewind, are you OK?"