Friday, April 30, 2010


We take our kids to church and to Sunday School. We pray with them and teach them to live a life that would please God- so when Gabe ran over tonight to our patio and said, "Mom come quick you gotta see this!" He pointed to this sky and said "Look- Jesus is here!" It made me smile. When I was little, I remember thinking when I looked at a sky just like this, that Jesus was coming for a "visit" It still makes me smile! I think sometimes we all forget to take in the simple things in life, just like a 5 year old does.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gabe's Turn

Gabe had his first T- Ball game tonight. It was an extra bonus that Kevin's Dad was here to watch! Gabe's age group is so much fun to watch!!. The ball lands and the whole team is on top of it like a football game. When you tell them they are "covering 1st base" They will lay their whole body ON TOP OF THE BASE and when the runner approaches "their" base they are told they may not touch the base because it is "their base". But, when all was said and done Gabe was more interested in watching bugs, comparing his shoe size, looking between his legs, performing acrobatics, and playing in the dirt! Do they have scholarships to schools for dirt drawing?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baseball Begins

Here we go again!!!! I am officially a baseball Mom. It was right from wrestling to baseball. So the things I am happy about. Ben has a GREAT coach (who happens to NOT be Kevin- which is a bonus)
Ben really enjoyed his first game. Got a hit, ran, the bases, made it home, listened to the coach. Something has "clicked" for Ben this year. Instead of playing in the outfield (with the grass), He is ready and listens to the coach who, by the way I must say again is great!.
The things I am not happy about. DIRT. It's just everywhere. I know it is a baseball field but did I mention it is everywhere?
Parking-Trying to find a parking spot near field 6 is like a mad dash and really who cares that you have to get out the passenger side because you are too close to a tree.
Crazy screamers- I am so glad I told all colleges and pro teams to back off for now. My kids only 8 he needs to have fun. But really some parents take this sooooo seriously the scream like crazy people at their children. Letters of intent don't get signed during machine pitch baseball people!!!
Gabe's first game is Thursday. I do know now- Kevin IS the coach. Imagine how embarrassed I was when a friend asked me recently who Gabe's T- Ball coach was and I told her, I was not sure but I will look. Guess what?- It's Kevin! Funny how those little things like coaching a T- Ball team are not discussed at the dinner table!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gabe's Birthday Bonanza

It has been a 2 day celebration in honor of Gabe's 5th birthday. Saturday he had a pajama party at our house for his classmates. They had fun eating pancakes, playing flashlight tag, and watching a movie (OK- the movie only lasted for 15 minutes.) I had grand plans that our last activity would be the movie so when the parents returned for their child, he/she would walk in a sleepy state rubbing their eyes and maybe yawning down the stairs. What REALLY happened was that they decided to go DOWNSTAIRS with their new flashlights and run wild with the lights out. So- when the parents picked their children up, they were running wild, screaming and did not want to leave. I am happy everyone had a great time. Today Gabe woke up to cinnamon rolls and he opened our gifts as well as cards and presents from family and friends that live far away! After church we went out to lunch and Gabe played the "claw" Ironically enough, the child won FIVE animals!! He even got a "double grab" He was a very, very happy 5 year old. And last but not least we surprised him with his own ATV. The whole family had a great time cruising the neighborhood. Hopefully it will be early to bed tonight. Happy Birthday dear, sweet Gabe!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good Laugh

We had a good laugh at our house on Friday night. We were discussing the Saturday schedule at dinner and mentioned that Ben had his first baseball game. He said very casually. "I am not sure if I am going to go." Soooooo- I decided I would go in his place. When I walked into the dining room(in Ben's baseball clothes) and announced if he wasn't going to go, I would go in his place, the look on his face was priceless. I am not sure what freaked him out more- the fact his Mom was wearing his clothes or the fact that I might actually do it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kahl Boy Quotes

These 2 boys sometimes say things that make me laugh out loud!

BEN--While looking at a map to figure out where we were he spots the state Pennsylvania (Wrong direction but we won't talk about that).... Pennsylvania, I WOULD NOT want to live there. I ask Why? Mom it has the word Pen in it and you know, I am not happy about writing..."

Ben- About one hour away from our destination. " I am the most excited than my whole life I have been Ben!"

Gabe- After tripping really hard over the hurricane strip at the patio door " Oh no! I think I am damaged!"

Gabe- After walking into the patio door (They were REALLY clean) " I do not want to look at that ocean, every time I do it makes me do something crazy"

Mary- Are we there yet?, I have to go to the bathroom... not that one, not that bathroom either." Stop at the rest area..., I need coffee., I have to go to the bathroom again., Are we there yet?, How long? Are we in Kentucky? Tennessee? Alabama? Florida?., I have to go to a clean bathroom., Do we have a cup?

Kevin-.... Dear Lord, Please give me the patience to make it through this car trip...."

And as long as the topic is famous Kahl quotes, Ben had the winner today...

While having his first orthodontist consultation...The doctor asks Ben, How do you feel about getting braces? Ben responds. I guess I am OK with it. The doctor then asks him why he thinks its important to get braces and Ben looks at him and says," Well I suppose I need to look good so I can get a wife someday and be married and look good." I was very proud that the doctor did not burst out laughing and instead said, "I TOTALLY agree!!"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lessons I learned on Family Vacation

Things I learned on Family Vacation
1. Kokomo Indiana needs a bypass or they need to tone down the 5,000 stoplights through town!
2. People in Kentucky drive VERY fast. Young, old, men, women- it doesn't matter. They are all 100+mph fast!
3. People in Alabama drive really slow. 35mph slow. Going in the passing lane slow. Truck barely moving slow.
4. DVD players in cars are the GREATEST invention.
5. No wait- The headphones that go with the DVD players are better.
6. The movie Lego- Clutch Powers can be played at least 20 times in 15 hours without burning up.
7. I love how loud my I Pod can get!
8. I have the smallest bladder in the Kahl family, maybe in the world!
9. Bathrooms at Gas stations on southern Alabama back roads are NEVER a good idea.
10. You never wear as much as you pack.
11. Mary Kahl is a great car packer.
12. You can fit a lot into the trunk of a car.
13. My boys are NEVER going on spring break in college. We will have to make a family break much more appealing (advice needed on that one)
14.The Easter Bunny knows where Destin Florida is (The littlest Kahl of all was worried)
15. I need a new bike. I am working way to hard on my bike.
16. I love my new camera.
17. Mary Kahl can spot a Goodwill store at a great distance.
18. Mary Kahl can not pass a Goodwill store without stopping.
19. Parents from the south are doing something right. I have never heard so many yes mams in my life.
20. Ben made a couple of new friends Tate and Gibson. I made them practice "Yes Mam" with Ben
21. I really like the sound of yes mam.
22. Kevin needs to open a daddy daycare. By the 3rd day when he walked onto the beach his gang would show up.
23. Jellyfish sting.
24. A purple flag at the beach means Marine pest warning. If they raise the flag it is not because the lifegaurd saw just 1.
25. Ben does not like jellyfish.
26. When Ben gets stung by a jellyfish. The whole beach thinks they are under attack by a giant man eating shark.
27. Jellyfish stings hurt. "Like someone is stabbing you 5 million times with a knife"(Quote from Ben himself)
28. Always bring vinegar to the beach.
29. Kevin and I are old and move slowly
30. Ben and Gabe are young and move quickly.
Hope everyone had a great spring break!