Thursday, July 23, 2009

IT"S BACK!!!!!!

While driving to the home depot the other night Ben was taking Pictures with my camera. So I decided to see how he felt when I turned around like THIS. After the initial scream he demanded a photo and called me Chewbacca. When I downloaded them, I realized this is actually a good interpretation of how I have been feeling lately. I would like to put my hair over my face and stay indoors.
Just before we left for vacation I found out my Cushings Disease is no longer in remission. It is back with a vengeance. My doctor at the Mayo clinic told me after the surgery in 2008 that I would be the first to know if my Cushings ever did return (there is only a 20% chance after the surgery I had) And I did- Extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, vision difficulties. I had a MRI last week that detected no new tumors however- there could be residual growth or it could be wrapped around my ocular nerve, not allowing it to be visible on the MRI. SO- my options- I will wait 4 weeks to repeat the blood work, to make sure my elevated ACTH levels were not a fluke. My doctor here said I am not a typical case because last time my only clinical symptom was an elevated ACTH. I really just want to know- Am I going to have to have another 80,000 dollar surgery and if so WHEN- I will not wait this time. He threw in the words drug therapy and radiation which I am staying in denial about until I actually have to make the decision. After the next blood draw, we will talk with my neurologist and endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic to discuss our action plan. But- RIGHT NOW- TODAY I am mad, irritated and somewhat sad. I am also thanking our Dear Lord that he has given me a wonderful support system- especially Kevin- who never wavers- and Ben and Gabe who keep my mind preoccupied and make me laugh a lot. I will keep you all updated . In the meantime- I could use all of your prayers.


Finally-!!!! Ever since we moved to Indiana we have been in search of sweet corn. The melt in your mouth, eyes closed while eating , butter dripping off your face kind. Up until last night we found nothing that compared to Iowa sweet corn. Last night we had a corn feast and were very full and a little homesick after.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Can you believe these two crazies have eight children? It says a lot when you have so much going on- you can still entertain family, and have fun doing it. Thanks Carol and John for a great week!!!

Fun with cousins

We had so much fun at the cottage. On the way home Kevin and I were talking about the benefits of having a large family. Because there were so many kids around, we were able to do things like treasure hunts and dance contests. It was never dull, and our boys were constantly being entertained. Besides, where else could you go through 3 loaves of bread during one meal???

Girls Vs. Boys

Ben and Gabe's cousin, Jack Planned this great tresure hunt for the children. He went all out, even hiding money, which was a HUGE hit. His clues were challenging and the kids had a great time. By the way- the girls team won!!!!

Fun at the cottage

Random vacation picures part 1

Friday, July 17, 2009

Feeling so welcomed

We arrived at my sister's weary from our travels but feeling so welcomed. They even had a birthday celebration ready for their old raggedy Aunt Mary

Organizing Frenzy

While visiting my sister's house, I opened the pantry and Knew I had a project! OK in her defense- she has EIGHT children. here are the after pictures. I wish I had remembered the Before pictures. We also made this awesome picture wall. The best part was hanging out with my sister laughing at ourselves and talking.

We are back from our trip to Wisconsin. We visited my sister Carol, Brother-in-law John, and their 8 children. It is a very long car ride (9 hours) and add to that the trek through downtown Chicago and you will understand why our children are asleep.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ready for the 4th of July Parade.

We survived the campout. Everyone had a great time camping in the Kahl's backyard last night. Cookout, campfire and breakfast in the morning!!