While driving to the home depot the other night Ben was taking Pictures with my camera. So I decided to see how he felt when I turned around like THIS. After the initial scream he demanded a photo and called me Chewbacca. When I downloaded them, I realized this is actually a good interpretation of how I have been feeling lately. I would like to put my hair over my face and stay indoors.
Just before we left for vacation I found out my Cushings Disease is no longer in remission. It is back with a vengeance. My doctor at the Mayo clinic told me after the surgery in 2008 that I would be the first to know if my Cushings ever did return (there is only a 20% chance after the surgery I had) And I did- Extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, vision difficulties. I had a MRI last week that detected no new tumors however- there could be residual growth or it could be wrapped around my ocular nerve, not allowing it to be visible on the MRI. SO- my options- I will wait 4 weeks to repeat the blood work, to make sure my elevated ACTH levels were not a fluke. My doctor here said I am not a typical case because last time my only clinical symptom was an elevated ACTH. I really just want to know- Am I going to have to have another 80,000 dollar surgery and if so WHEN- I will not wait this time. He threw in the words drug therapy and radiation which I am staying in denial about until I actually have to make the decision. After the next blood draw, we will talk with my neurologist and endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic to discuss our action plan. But- RIGHT NOW- TODAY I am mad, irritated and somewhat sad. I am also thanking our Dear Lord that he has given me a wonderful support system- especially Kevin- who never wavers- and Ben and Gabe who keep my mind preoccupied and make me laugh a lot. I will keep you all updated . In the meantime- I could use all of your prayers.